Five Need-to-Know Reasons for Why You Should Mulch Your Yard This Fall - South Houston Moms

Let’s face it, regularly mulching our yards may fall to the wayside on our home maintenance checklist, but after speaking with Ashley Magliaro, fellow mama and Owner/Operator of Sienna Mulch, we should all consider making it a priority. As Fort Bend’s premier mulch supplier for the past 20 years, Ashley is our neighborhood expert and she kindly shared with us the top five reasons as to why a fresh layer of mulch in the fall and spring can save us time and help with curb appeal.

Here’s what Ashley had to say about why we should mulch our yards:


1. Retains Moisture

Having a layer of mulch on your flower beds help retain moisture from underneath. When it rains or when you water your plants it moves down to your soil and helps nourish your plants. It also helps you water less because the mulch can retain water easier. This helps your plants thrive!


2. Weed Barrier

Ever see weeds starting to pop up in your flower beds? That means its time to pull them and lay down a fresh batch of mulch. Many also use landscaping fabric underneath and lay their soil and mulch on top. Which is great, too. I can say that I only use mulch in my yard, and I do not have any weeds!


3. Temperature Control

Having mulch for your plants all year long helps them control the temperature in their soil. If it is cold outside, it will keep them warm. And vice versa if it is warm outside it will keep them cool. Ever see your dogs dig up the mulch and lay on it? They find the cooler areas in the summer and hotter areas in the winter. (or is it just mine?).


4. Great for your soil

As mulch breaks down over time it will decompose into matter that feeds your soil. This is providing key nutrients for your plants, flowers, trees & shrubs. Therefore, laying down mulch two times a year is very important. Your plants will thank you!


5. Looks great!

If you are trying to sell your home, make your home look great for the holidays or its just that time to mulch your yard, you already know that fresh mulch look is major key. You want to lay down 2-3 inches every 6 months. In the Spring and in the Fall. You also only want to use Organic mulch. This is going to be a Premium Hardwood Mulch, Cedar Mulch, Cypress Mulch, Black Velvet Mulch & Pine Mulch. Stay away from dyed mulches. This is your typical Red dyed and Black dyed mulch. Anyone that follows Randy Lemmon knows that he is a firm believer in all organic mulch!

Now that you’ve learned a bit about mulch, it is the perfect time of year to check it off your list. But before you head out to a large retailor, check in with Sienna Mulch and support this amazing local small business! Give them a call and they’ll be happy to  answer all your questions.

You can learn more about Ashley Magliaro and E-meet her here.

Special Offer: Mention South Houston Moms and get $10 off on delivery orders of 4+ yards.


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